Reading Time: 2 minutes
In developing my website, I wanted to present my work, my research, and my thoughts about the journey through academia. I spent some time contemplating what items would best represent me and my experience. I, selfishly, organized a workshop for my fellow graduate students with Michelle Hagerman (@MSHagerman) on creating a digital presence. Her advice was to showcase your work, and control how you are represented within the digital world. Focus on your Teaching, Research, and Service, as these are key areas that recruiting universities will be looking for.

However, in applying to research and teaching assistant positions recently, I began to wonder, why I have not also spent more time on developing my CV. Often this is the only piece of information that you are able to send to hiring committees for assistant positions. So I had to ask myself, how can I better represent who I am within a standard CV format? The answer: hyperlinks!

I want to be able to make it easy for those reading my CV to be able to find articles I have written, presentations I have made, and media articles that I have contributed to or cover an event I was part of. Without deviating from the standard CV format, viewers are able to access my work, and gain valuable insights into the quality of my work.

Links are visible, but do not add clutter. I wanted to be sure that my CV was still neat and easy to read, regardless of my CV’s new abilities.

Links do not replace required/important information. If someone were to print off my resume, I wanted the relevant information to be there.
Links link directly to articles or to presentations which I have uploaded to my website. Currently, the presentations are not accessible from my main site (only with the link). This is simply due to trying to figure how I want to organize presentations and papers within my site (If anyone has suggestions, I am open to them).

I wanted to make my work as accessible to others as possible, and I think I have achieved that here.


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